3D printing complete tutorial ( what is 3d printing?,application, steps and processes also methods)
3D printing tutorial part-1
What is 3d printing??
3d printing is the way of creating three dimensional solid object.3d printing is done by building up the object layer by layer. Usually 3d printer’s used plastic because it is easier to use and cheaper. Some 3d printers can 3d print with other material like metal and ceramics.3d printers are useful because they can make new objects very fast. It is also known as additive manufacturing.
Steps involved in 3d printing:-
There are three steps in 3d printing.
1- Modeling: - The first step in 3d printing is modeling. In 3d printing something is to make on computer with the help of CAD (computer aided designing) software or with the help of 3d scanner.3d scanners are machines that takes lot of measurement and photograph of the object and automatically make a model on computer. It can be very fast but also more expensive. Cad model should be in STL file format.
2- Printing: - After the modeling of the object, the next step is printing. In this step we print the object with the help of 3d printers. This process is called printing. In this step we print the object layer by layer. Typically layers are around 100 micrometer thick or about one tenth thickness of a human hair. The time of printing depends upon how critical design is and what’s the size of it.
3- Finishing: - Final and third step of 3d printing is Finishing. When the 3d printers have finished the printing some time people finish the model. This means making small fixes to make it looks better.
Application of 3d printing:-
1. In small item manufacturing
2. To rebuild the accidental face
3. In manufacturing of cars, eurofighters and spare parts
4. In food printing
5. In manufacturing of guns and arms
6. To print shoes and dresses
7. In education and research centers
8. In rapid protyping
9. In manufacturing moulds and even jewelry also
10. in making laptops and other computer parts
3d printing processes:-
1. Vat photopolymerization
2. Material jetting
3. Binder jetting
4. Powder bed fusion
5. Material extrusion
6. Directed energy deposition
7. Sheet lamination
3d printing methods:-
Mainly 3d printing methods are following.
1. FDM(fused deposition modeling)
2. LOM(laminated object manufacturing)
3. SLS(selective laser sintering)
4. SL(stereo lithography)
5. Ball 3to2 manufacturing
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